Link redirects

Making it easy to include the same Link into different applications or webs

An important part of the Link solution is the redirect URI to which it will direct after a client successfully finishes connecting a financial entity. Redirects will help you receive the necessary information to later track a connection that has been done through your app's Link.

Adding a redirect

Adding a new redirect to your Finlink app is simple. Go into App Settings -> Api Client. In that page you will find the redirect table, as seen in the image below. You can introduce a redirect name, to easily identify what that redirect is used for, and a redirect URI. This URI only accepts http values for localhost, other inputs should be valid https URIs.

You can have up to 5 app redirects, useful for testing purposes (to help you integrate the flow into your application) or for multiple applications or environments (if you don't want to separate them into different Finlink apps).

Once you have successfully created a redirect, you will see that you are provided with a token. This token should go into the id parameter when invoking the Link (you carn learn more about Link parameters here).

Redirect parameters

Every time a flow in our Link solution is completed, we will redirect the flow to the redirect you have indicated and we will include certain parameters so that you can identify the operation that was done inside our Link. The parameters that you will encounter are the following:

  • token: a token that identifies the connection that was just made or updated. For new connections, this token will be a temporary publicToken that you should exchange for a permanent connectionToken. For updates, it will be the updateToken that was used to start the update operation.

  • operation: indicates the operation that was done in the Link flow. Can be UPDATE or CONNECT.

  • entity: the entity that was connected or updated in our Link flow.

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