List portfolio transactions

Retrieves all the portfolio transactions for the given connection. Portfolio Transactions in Vumi Finlink are understood as those financial movements that are directly related to investments. Portfolio Transactions are related to a specific portfolio through its ID

Portfolio transaction types

Understanding portfolio transaction types is core to using Vumi Finlink API correctly. Below you can find a list with all the different types that you'll find when using the Finlink API. We have included a column to explain the impact of these types in the position of the user, meaning if they add shares (+), remove shares (-), or the share count indicates just the position size at the given time (=).

Share impact


Purchase of financial securities or assets



Compensation received due to a corporate event of an asset. A typical case is the cash associated to a forced sell, that was not indicated in the forced sell itself



Periodic interest payment that a bondholder receives during the life of a bond. It represents a fixed percentage of the bond’s face (or par) value



Removal of a security from a stock exchange



Distribution of a portion of a company's earnings to shareholders




Transfer of assets into an account due to a donation or inheritance



Transfer of assets to another account due to a donation or inheritance



Acquisition of securities as part of an isin change



Sale of securities as part of an isin change



Acquisition of securities as part of a merger



Sale of securities as part of a merger



Purchase of securities outside a formal exchange, or securities granted by an action not directly done by the holder



Sale of securities outside a formal exchange, or due to an action not controlled by the holder



Acquisition of securities as part of a product change. Product changes typically involve changing some aspects of the product, like the share class, without involving a full isin change



Sale of securities as part of a product change. Product changes typically involve changing some aspects of the product, like the share class, without involving a full isin change



Receival of Stock as part of rights being converted. Typically associated to a scrip dividend or capital raise



Conversion of rights into shares. This is the sell part associated to the rights



Sell of rights typically due to their exclusion from the stock market



Emission of rights, typically due to a Scrip dividend or capital raise



Sale of financial securities or assets



Additional amount received over the par value of shares issued



Grant of shares after the creation of an independent company from a parent company that is owned



Acquisition of securities as part of a split



Sale of securities as part of a split



Transfer of securities into an account



Transfer of securities out of an account



Transactions that could not be correctly classified



Handling unknown transactions

In some rare occassions, you can find transactions marked as UNKNOWN. This means that the specific transaction was found for the first time in that connection, and that we were unable to categorize it correctly. We value data quality as one of our core principles, so we took the decision of marking those cases as UNKNOWN instead of miscategorizing them.

Whenever a transaction is marked as UNKNOWN, we have internal processed in place to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Once the issue is resolved, you will be informed and the transaction should be correctly categorized after a new connection of the credential. We are currently working on a methodology to re-categorize UNKNOWN transactions without the need of reconnecting the full credential again.

Last updated