List portfolio positions
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Last updated
Retrieves active positions for the given connection.
Retrieve every active position information for the given connection
Token to identify the connection
Successfully retrieved all active positions
Links the active position to a specific portfolio
The investment reference for the active position. An ID that you can match with the List investments endpoint
The name for the investment. It typically depends on the data source
"Banco Santander"
The isin for the active position
The reference currency for the active position following the ISO 4217
The local currency for the active position's investment following the ISO 4217
The stock exchange where the active position's investment trades. Represented by its MIC code
The active position's investment type. You can see available investments type in the Investments section of these docs
The quantity of titles (shares, bonds, etc.) being held
The cash value for the active position given in the reference currency
The cash value for the active position given in the local currency
The current price per title of the active position given in the reference currency
The current price per title of the active position given in the local currency
The exchange rate used for conversions is always provided from the reference currency to the local currency. For example, if the local currency is USD and the reference currency is EUR, the exchange rate given will be EURUSD
The current weight of the active position in the portfolio per referency currency amount. Expressed on a per unit basis. Only investments are taken into account for this calculation (not cash positions)